Earning Online is something crazy among all aged groups of people, from students to youngsters. Nowadays, the internet is more than a source of news and entertainment. For many people making money online is an absolute dream. Online earning has much more power than a small local business, many are using this as the main income source and earning about 10-15 lacks per month. Each and every person is now connecting to the internet which increases your marketplace and gives you more opportunity to make money.
Many people are trying to earn money online but more than 70% of them faces failure, one of the main reason is that people are curious to earn money but they are not ready to learn. I have personally experienced it with many people a day. If you want to earn 1-2 lakh per month first you have to invest your time in learning basics of that topic. No matter what method you select for generating your online income, there's one very important thing to understand. Money can be earned and spent, saved, invested and wasted, but not time. That's why time is far more valuable.
Requirements to Earn Online
- A personal computer or a laptop
- High-Speed internet connection
- Bank Account and PayPal Account
Below I have listed down the top 5 ideas according to me, to earn online.
1. Blogging -
A Blog is a website where owner of the blog shares information about a product or a service or an event. A blog mainly focuses on a single topic on which owner has to post an article on a daily basis.
It is one of the most recommended forms of online earning. Many people are earning in range 30-40 lakhs from their various blogs. Its main revenue is generated by showing ads on your blog, you can also make money by selling your own product or using affiliate links.
First, you have to choose a topic of your knowledge on which you can post as many posts as you can. Remember that if you are starting a blog you have to update your blog on regular basis. Setting up a blog and approving Adsense is time-consuming, sometimes it may take 3-4 months to set up a blog for earnings so be patient and give your best
Also Check: What is Blogging | How to Start a Blog in 2020 and earn in lakhs
2. Youtube Channel -
One Of the most famous ways of earning Online is a youtube channel. You have to create a channel that is like a page where you have to upload videos. To get viral in a few months your content should be good and interesting to watch, but beware of copyrights you can not use any material copyrighted by anybody.
Youtube generated ad revenue is less than the income which you will get while promoting brands in your video. One of the coolest things about youtube is "Celebrity like feeling".
After getting your videos viral Millions of people start knowing you wherever you go.
Youtube generated ad revenue is less than the income which you will get while promoting brands in your video. One of the coolest things about youtube is "Celebrity like feeling".
After getting your videos viral Millions of people start knowing you wherever you go.
Also Check: Earn From Youtube | 2020 New Tricks
3. Affiliate Marketing -
Affiliate marketing is one of the various favorite ways to make money online by promoting websites or products to earn a certain percentage as commission from sales made. The sales are made via web traffic.
It can be the most profitable way of earning depending on the traffic you have. Many online companies who sell products such as shoes, web-hosting spaces, or some other services, usually offer an affiliate program. We can simply sign up for the program and get our unique tracking link.
Also Check: Affiliate Marketing | Earn Online in Lakhs
4.Freelancing -
Freelancer is a common term used for a self-employed professional who works on project to project basis and moves often are not committed to a particular employer/business. You can find work on any of those freelancing websites presented on Google, according to your skills from typing to app development.
Marketplace for freelancers is so high because most businesses feel comfortable in choosing freelancers for their project on work. You can choose your own working time base don your comfort. Many websites pay per hour. Payment is great as you can earn money from all clients of tier-1 countries like US, UK, Canada, and Australia.
Also Check: 10 Easiest Freelancer Jobs| Work From Home
5. Social Media Accounts
Earning through social media is not much famous but we have put it on our list because you can make limitless money through it. Many are earning in crores. But the most needed thing is followers or friends, You can start earning from 5000 followers only. More you have followers more you will get.
Brands will approach you and pay 1-20 Lakh per post according to your followers, you can easily earn in crores. But the main thing is you have to maintain your audience.