YouTube to Mp3 Converter | Convert YouTube to Mp3

Many times you like a song on YouTube and want to download it in MP3 format in your local Pc or Handset, a perfect solution if all you want out of a video is audio. You can make them a ringtone out of a video, add the MP3 to your music collection,  etc. Once you get the MP3 from the YouTube video, you can then use a free audio file converter to save it to M4R for an iPhone ringtone, or any other file format you want.

Frankly speaking, it is illegal for using video from youtube and can be claimed by the owner, but you can use it personally and not for any type of business purposes. But you should take permission from the owner before using it anyway.  

GenYoutube is the easiest and fastest way to convert YouTube videos to MP3 if you want to get it done quickly. It doesn't ask any questions, downloads are fast and you can even get started from the YouTube video.  

Three ways to use this website :

  • Visit the GenYouTube site and paste the URL to the video.
  • Open GenYouTube and search for the video there.
  • View the video on Youtube and edit the word gen right before the word youtube(e.g.,
Once you are on the downloading page for that video, just select MP3 from the list of options to start downloading an MP3 version of the YouTube video.

Depending on the video, GenYouTube supports a few other audio and video formats, too, including 3GP, WEBM, MP4, and M4A.

If you don't like GenYoutube or it isn't letting you get the MP3 of a specific YouTube video, yhere are several similar sites you can try-